Hello All,

The Ghent University Academic Bibliography containing all research papers of
our university is now live with Linked Data.

See: https://biblio.ugent.be

Via meta tags in the HTML and content negotiation RDF triples can be


https://biblio.ugent.be/record/678283  - a sample publication
https://biblio.ugent.be/organization/TW06 ­ publication from one department
https://biblio.ugent.be/person/801000295606 ­ publication of one author

When working on this project I wondered: what is  the best way to expose
large result sets from a search engine in RDF? We don¹t have a SPARQL
interface. Are there other common methods to browse through, potentially,
hundred thousands of Descriptions?


Skype: patrick.hochstenbach
Patrick Hochstenbach       Digital Architect
University Library              +32(0)92647980
Ghent University * Rozier 9 * 9000 * Gent

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