Daniel O'Connor wrote:

Freebase data being rendered as Good Relations ("Or Barbie and Ken's
Semantic Web Playset")

What's the best way to validate this / check it would show up in Yahoo
search results?


I took a link from you page and passed it through the Virtuoso Sponger instance that sits behind our URIBurner service [1]. I've also added a few examples from Amazon [2], BestBuy [3], eBay [4], O'Reilly [5], and Zillow [6]:


1. http://linkeddata.uriburner.com/about/html/http://goodrelations.doconnor.user.dev.freebaseapps.com/view?id=/en/amethyst_aura_barbie - Your link, follow the value of the "topic" (aka. foaf:topic) property 2. http://pnt.me/epYyjt -- Amazon book (same one used in the O'Reilly example, and you can find it via seeAlso) 3. http://pnt.me/d9sCpB -- BestBuy (again follow the topic or primary topic value links)
4. http://pnt.me/TDVWUa -- eBay (MJ's Thriller Jacket)
5. http://bit.ly/3LvYGi -- O'Reilly book offerring starting with description of host Web page
6. http://bit.ly/34wYrz -- House for sale in Weston, MA via Zillow
7. http://bit.ly/11HbCv -- Same as above re. Zillow but Vendor route to offer

Note: the sponger cartridges also lookup Yahoo! and Google, so in due course seeAlso will reveal related data from those HTML+RDFa aggregating data spaces. All you need is a proxy/wrapper style HTTP URI and you're set re. a portable data source name to the respective linked data meshes hosted on the Web.



Kingsley Idehen       Weblog: http://www.openlinksw.com/blog/~kidehen
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