> Irrespective, don't you think HTML or even better an RDF (re. your data
> sources) would be sort of congruent with this entire effort? Dan and others
> could have just slotted URIs into the RDF etc.. and the resource could just
> grow and evenly rid itself of its current contextual short-comings etc..

Absolutely. (The kind of data-heavy material Ying Ding has produced
would be an ideal candidate for expression in a data-oriented form).

> Sorry (for grumpy sounding comment), but PDFs really get under my skin as
> sole mechanism for transmitting data when conversation is about the Semantic
> Web Project etc.. Sadly, this realm is rife with PDF as sole information
> delivery mechanism, even when the conversation is actually about the "Web"
> (a medium not constructed around Linked PDF documents).

Again, absolutely (and it annoys the tits off me too) - not only pdf
but also ps, and in the odd strange case MS doc format.

Alas it seems academia is largely slow on the uptake when it comes to
publication. I'm sure this is just as frustrating for the individual
that wishes to be published as the rest-of-the-world that wants their

But then again, we still have printed matter...



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