Sorry I had a small typo in that oai-ore example I included. I meant
to type ore:aggregates instead of ore-aggregates. I also meant to
include assertions about the format of the files, which can be handy
to have. //Ed

   dc:creator <>, "Jókai
Mór,, (1825-1904.)" ;
   dc:date "cop. 2006" ;
   dc:description """
Működési követelmények: Adobe Reader / MS Reader
""", "Főcím a címképernyőről", "Szöveg (pdf : 1.2 MB) (lit : 546 KB)" ;
   dc:identifier "", "963-606-169-6 (pdf)", "963-606-170-X (lit)" ;
   dc:language "hun" ;
   dc:publisher "Szentendre : Mercator Stúdió" ;
   dc:subject <>,
"magyar irodalom." ;
   dc:title "Dekameron" ;
   dc:type "book", "elbeszélés.", "elektronikus dokumentum.", "no
type provided" ;
<> .

dc:format "application/pdf" .
dc:format "application/x-ms-reader" .

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