Looks interesting.

In the description you say "(1) foaf:mbox_sha1sum, foaf:jabberID,
foaf:aimChatID, foaf:icqChatID, foaf:yahooChatID and foaf:msnChatID are
not owl:InverseFunctionalProperties anymore; instead, they are defined
as owl:Keys for foaf:Agents, which is practically the same"

I agree that making them owl:Keys is the only option for DL but the
comment "practically the same" is maybe overstating it.

My understanding was that the semantics of Keys [1] only applies to
named individuals and so isn't effective on anonymous individuals (which
is a common use case in FOAF). Is that correct?


[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-direct-semantics/#Keys

On Fri, 2010-07-16 at 12:16 +0100, Antoine Zimmermann wrote: 
> Dear all,
> I know that the compatibility of FOAF with OWL DL has been discussed a 
> lot in the past (and still sometimes surfaces again).  However, I'm 
> wondering, would it be reasonable to provide a DL version of FOAF in 
> complement of the official FOAF ontology?
> More generally, wouldn't it be reasonable to provide alternative 
> versions of an ontology?  Think of XHTML: there are three different XML 
> Schemas for XHTML [1].  One could imagine alternative versions like FOAF 
> (Full), FOAF-DL, FOAF-lite...
> Anyway, I did it: I've made a FOAF-DL ontology which modifies the FOAF 
> ontology such that (1) it is in OWL 2 DL and (2) it maximally preserves 
> inferences of the original FOAF ontology [2].
> Interestingly, FOAF-DL is an OWL 2 RL ontology (in a nutshell, OWL 2 RL 
> is a subset of OWL 2 DL with low computational complexity and that is 
> compatible with rule-based inference engine).
> You may notice that there are strange annotation properties for this 
> ontology:
> <owl:Ontology rdf:about="http://purl.org/az/foaf#";>
>    ...
>    <yoda:preferredVersion rdf:resource="http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/"/>
>    ...
> </owl:Ontology>
> The Yoda vocabulary [3] is used to relate alternative versions of an 
> ontology. Here, it is said that there is a preferred version, which is 
> the official FOAF ontology.
> Critiques to any of the previous comments are welcome.
> [1] http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1-schema/#schemas
> [2] The FOAF-DL ontology. http://purl.org/az/foaf
> [3] Yoda: A Vocabulary for Linking Alternative Specifications of a 
> Vocabulary. http://purl.org/NET/yoda
> Regards,

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