Mike Kelly wrote:

snipped and fuller version inserted:

   4.  If the response has a Content-Location header field, and that URI
       is not the same as the effective request URI, then the response
       asserts that its payload is a representation of the resource
       identified by the Content-Location URI.  However, such an
       assertion cannot be trusted unless it can be verified by other
       means (not defined by HTTP).

If a client wants to make a statement  about the specific document
then a response that includes a content-location is giving you the
information necessary to do that correctly. It's complemented and
further clarified in the entity body itself through something like

I stand corrected, think there's something in this, and it could maybe possibly provide the semantic indirection needed when Content-Location is there, and different to the effective request uri, and complimented by some statements (perhaps RDF in the body, or Link header, or html link element) to assert the same.

Covers a few use-cases, might have legs (once HTTP-bis is a standard?).

Nicely caught Mike!



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