On 2/11/11 5:23 AM, Daniel O'Connor wrote:
Hi all,
This talk might have been seen by some of you; but was certainly new to me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lCSDOuqv1A&feature=autoshare <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lCSDOuqv1A&feature=autoshare>

Much of this is an exploration of how google is making use of freebase's underlying linked data to better understand what they are crawling - deriving what something is by examining its attributes; and automatically creating something like linked data from it.

Additionally; it talks about Google squared - this tool appears to be heavily powered by freebase data; as well as derived data from the web. I was fairly impressed by the mix of understanding a user query and rendering results as actual entities (one of the few non-facet based UIs I have seen).

For instance: "territorial authorities in new zealand"

Whilst this is not using the typical linked data technology stack of RDF, SPARQL, open licenced data, etc; it certainly shows you what can be done with data in a graph structure; plus a UI which is a cross between a spreadsheet and a search result.


Export the tabular data, lookup URIs from DBpedia, add to table, use angle brackets for URIs, de-normalize to 3-tuple structure (table with Reference values), and you have platform agnostic Linked Data. This resource can be ingested by anything that supports N-Triples :-)

Great example.

Of course folks can go down other unproductive routes, but be best assured, the guide above gets you to the finishing line quickly. In addition, it demonstrates the real power of Linked Data at InterWeb scale without any platform lock-in.

The game of Linked Data isn't about Lock-In. It's about Open Access to Linked Data Objects, leveraging the prowers of URIs as "Super Keys".



Kingsley Idehen 
President&  CEO
OpenLink Software
Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
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