I would think that Giovanni refers to the public tracker CKAN SPARQL Endpoint:


I also would also recommend to remove the endpoints that indeed do
show significant downtime such as 100% downtime 100% of the time for a
consecutive period of more than 3 month


Marco Neumann

Join us at the Semantic Web Media Summit in New York City for an
exciting event on 14 September 2011

On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 6:05 PM,  <bi...@zedat.fu-berlin.de> wrote:
> Hi Giovanni,
>> Will you be taking off the diagram those that are NOT online regularly?
> could you please be a bit more precise and clearly say which datasets you
> are talking about.
> Which datasets do not provide dereferencable URIs anymore?
> (Linked Data and the LOD diagram is not about SPARQL endpoints)
> A constructive approach, which I guess would be highly appreciated by the
> community, would be that you directly mark these datasets on CKAN using
> the tags that are proposed at the end of this page
> http://www.w3.org/wiki/TaskForces/CommunityProjects/LinkingOpenData/DataSets/CKANmetainformation
> Cheers,
> Chris
>> Hi out of curiousity
>> Will you be taking off the diagram those that are NOT online regularly?
>> Gio
>> On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 7:45 PM, Pablo Mendes <pablomen...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear fellow Linked Open Data publishers and consumers,
>>> We are in the process of regenerating the next LOD cloud diagram and
>>> associated statistics [1]. We would like to invite those of you who
>>> publish
>>> data sets as Linked Data to join the other ~2000 data sets already in
>>> CKAN (
>>> http://ckan.net ) to help us extend the list of ~300 candidates to the
>>> LOD
>>> cloud diagram. For those of you that already have entries on CKAN, we
>>> ask
>>> you to please review and update your entries accordingly. Please
>>> finalize
>>> your dataset descriptions until the end of this week to ensure that your
>>> entry will be considered for this round of the diagram.
>>> We will be analyzing all data sets tagged with "lod" in CKAN from the
>>> perspective of a data consumer, looking for best practices that make it
>>> easier to access, understand and use your data. The compliance with the
>>> best
>>> practices will be checked manually and with scripts that download and
>>> analyze data from the data sources. Therefore it is important that you
>>> provide as much information as possible in your CKAN entry.
>>> You can use the CKAN entry for DBpedia as one example:
>>> http://ckan.net/package/dbpedia
>>> In order to aid you in this quest, we have provided a validation page
>>> for
>>> your CKAN entry with step-by-step guidance for the information that we
>>> will
>>> be looking for:
>>> http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/lodcloud/ckan/validator/
>>> After you have completed the description of your data sets, we invite
>>> you to
>>> fill up this 5 minutes survey about your experience. This will help us
>>> to
>>> make the process easier, more complete and exciting for the next time
>>> around.
>>> http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/TDS3TML
>>> Thank you and happy dataset description!
>>> Cheers,
>>> Pablo, Anja, Richard and Chris
>>> [1] http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/lodcloud/state/

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