Dear all, 


We are pleased to announce and invite you to participate in the Web Science
Meetup that will be held in Lyon during the WWW Conference
( <> ),
Friday April 20th at 6pm (the afternoon after the WWW "Web Science session")


The Meetup is neither a conference nor a workshop but rather an informal
meeting to gather people interested in Web Science. We propose to meet in
the WWW conference center (room will be provided later) and continue the
meeting in famous downtown Lyon ;)

The event is organized by our modest "Web Science Montpellier Meetup group"
which involves researchers from different organizations (Universities, and
institutes) in the Montpellier area or not.


Please learn more and subscribe to the Meetup by visiting:


There are currently no formal way to express interest (e.g., communication),
but if you are interested by the meetup please let me know and I will gather


Feel free to transfer the invitation to anyone that might be interested.


Learn more about Web Science:

Web Science Trust,  <> 

ACM Web Science Conference 2012, 


Best regards

The organizers,

Dr. Clement Jonquet, University of Montpellier, LIRMM

Pr. Stefano A. Cerri, University of Montpellier, LIRMM



Dr. Clement JONQUET  -  PhD in Informatics  -  Assistant Professor 


                University of Montpellier


                161 rue Ada 
                34095 Montpellier Cdx 5



Tel:                +33/4 67 14 97 43     

Fax:               +33/4 67  41 85 00

Skype:          clementpro

Twitter:        @jonquet_lirmm <> 

Slideshare:  jonquet <> 



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