On Mar 26, 2012, at 12:27 PM, Tim Berners-Lee wrote:

> On 2012-03 -26, at 06:18, Leigh Dodds wrote:
>> I may be misreading you here, but I'm not against unambiguous
>> definition. My "show what is actually broken" comment (on twitter) was
>> essentially the same question as I've asked here before, and as Hugh
>> asked again recently: what applications currently rely on httprange-14
>> as it is written today. That useful so we can get a sense of what
>> would break with a change. So far there's been 2 examples I think.
> For me, the fact that you can use the URI of a document on the web 
> to refer to that document is so built into the semantic web architecture for 
> the last 12
> years that it has been implicit in everything I have coded or designed,
> haven't been aware of where I have used it and where not.
> It it is really difficult for me to measure which bits would 
> The SWAP project, CWM has that built in -- the URI of the document
> something was read from is kept in the quad store as provenance
> for every triple read in.  

OK, but that does not mean that this URI actually denotes that document in RDF. 
Maybe the semantics of the fourth field in a quad store is different from that 
of fields in an RDF triple. (In fact, I think we are goingto *have* to assume 
it is different in order to give any kind of coherent semantics for quad 

The acid test would be whether you use this URI *inside an RDF triple* with 
this 'document provenance' meaning.


> The same with the tabulator store.
> The tabulator offers different views of objects as a function of the classes
> the are in, and it infers things from HTTP 200s and content types.
> It would have to be re-engineered of course, something I'm prepared
> to do in the cause of progress, but I feel it had better be something which
> adds bath water without throwing out the baby.
> Tim
> PS: Missed the tweet

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