Thus far the posts on this subject (at least, those I have taken the time to scan/read) concentrate on the issue from the publisher's perspective. Is there a description anywhere of how this change will impact on clients for this data?

For example, in order to be able to access Linked Data resources in the context of XSLT processing, I have written a CGI "forwarder" which takes a target URL and a desired content type as parameters. With the help of this forwarder I can use the standard document() function to retrieve RDF/XML resources relating to any target URL, so long as it is served up in a manner which follows the existing 303 strategy. There are two points about this client strategy which might be impacted by the current proposals:

1. In order to work with the standard document() function, the forwarder sets the HandleRedirects property of the TidHTTP object (this is Delphi-land) to true. This means that it has no knowledge of whether the initial response was a 303 or a 200. Will the client be expected to know whether a redirect has happened, and adjust their strategy accordingly?

2. The 303 strategy allows the client to specify the preferred response type in the Accept header, and in my implementation this is used to request RDF/XML, plain XML or even Topic Maps. Will the revised strategy support this same degree of control over the format of the response?


*Richard Light*

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