On 6/11/13 6:05 PM, Hugh Glaser wrote:
Nice message, David.
Yes, Luca, http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/LinkedData.html is where we should 
look to understand what is now meant by Linked Data.
http://5stardata.info/ is nice, but I would not sign up to it (just because the 
domain 5stardata.info has been registered!? - interesting provenance) - it 
would need a lot more discussion before I agree that it captured the Linked 
Data term as well as http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/LinkedData.html

This is a really important discussion - I am hoping their will actually be an 
outcome so that I can decide whether the LOD list is somewhere I want to stay 
If Linked Data does not mean RDF, I'm out of here and will look for another 
list, or just stay with SemWeb.

How have you come to interpret this conversation as being all about Linked Data without RDF? Again, are we in an all or nothing realm? Can we not even exercise a modicum of flexibility and tolerance to alternative views?

Alternatively, people who think otherwise can start a Linked Stuff initiative 
and list.
It is a true/false question for me.

This conversation is about being flexible about how we promote Linked Data to folks that have long tuned out the letters R-D-F. It is also about a gradual introduction to Linked Data without RDF at the front door.

You don't strike be as a person afflicted with R-D-F reflux. You also don't strike me as a person who needs a gradual introduction to the virtues of RDF. Thus, what's the problem?


There you go.
I'm off to http://www.downloadfestival.co.uk/line-up/all tomorrow, so look 
forward to seeing the outcome next week :-)

On 11 Jun 2013, at 22:19, David Booth <da...@dbooth.org> wrote:

On 06/11/2013 02:15 PM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
On 6/11/13 1:59 PM, David Booth wrote:
[ . . . ]
But RDF *is* one of Linked Data's defining characteristics, regardless
of whether people outside the RDF community understand that.  (And it
seems to me that if they don't understand that, then we should help
them to understand that, rather than perpetuating their
Of course its one of the defining characteristics.
Thank you.

My point is that it
isn't the most important characteristic when speaking to folks outside
the RDF community when the subject matter is Linked Data.

This is the crux of the matter re. our disagreement. I don't see a need
to inject RDF into my conversations about Linked Data when my target
audience isn't interested in RDF or overtly suffers from R-D-F reflux.
Then use a different term!  Call it "Linked Stuff", or "Hyperdata", or "Linked 
Information", or something else that does not already have a well-established meaning that *includes* 
being based on RDF.

Look, it is fine with me to talk about how "Linked Data" might have been 
defined differently, and how advantageous you think that would have been in gaining 
acceptance.  And it is also fine with me to *propose* that the term be re-defined to 
decouple it from RDF.   But it is *not* okay to state or imply that your proposed 
re-definition of the term is the *real* definition, i.e., that it reflects the 
established meaning of the term.  When you do that it sounds like *deliberate* 
misrepresentation of the truth -- i.e., lying -- and that's when you get people like me 
objecting so strenuously.




Kingsley Idehen 
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
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