On 2016-05-10 08:39, Herbert Van de Sompel wrote:

I am a fan of your linked research work. But I think it's a bit unjust
to characterize D-Lib Magazine as fitting in the category "via paper and
desktop/print centric tools and formats."

D-Lib is, and has since its start in 1995, been an HTML-only journal
that has served the Digital Library community very well. Just recently,
I published a paper [1] in D-Lib in which the editors agreed  to allow
me to diverge from their template in order to demonstrate the Robust
Links [2] approach to combat reference rot in scholarly communication.

Thank you Herbert.

I'm aware of D-Lib, and it is fantastic that they gave room to exemplify your work to the greatest extent possible.

I was merely pointing at the workshop in particular because that's the primary point of engagement with the community. Is it encouraging the methods to share, reuse, reproduce that it stands behind? Oscar's second email certainly comes across that way (and that's a lot more reassuring then the first - at least to me).

There is much more to be said about encouraging and enabling the community (which was discussed a number of times in these mailing lists which I'm sure you well know). The point that tends to circle back around is that, if you ask a researcher to submit in X, they will most certainly submit in X. They will also pass that knowledge (the whole process) to their colleagues. So, if we for instance ask researchers coming into the field to embrace Webby submissions, we should be able to phase out desktop/print mentality especially in Web Science.

None of this is to suggest that people should be using tools that they don't want or can - needless to say, we need to be considerate about accessibility - but rather taking measures to have some interoperability between the research output, instead of sending it out to a black hole. It is neither to suggest that print is bad. The fundamental difference here is that, some of the formats and mediums that we ask the community to expose their work on the Web (of all places) tend to be severely limited right from the start. I think we can do better.

To take this workshop as an example, its submission requirements is no different than the calls from events that work with the "publishers" that are practically indifferent about any of this as long as it reduces their costs and maximises profits on all fronts. My point: the fact that D-Lib embraces the Web/HTML and friends is entirely hidden in this call. What remains is the expertise that (new) researchers compile during the process of submitting to this work - which tends to encourage the opposite.

Again, I'm merely suggesting that the voice of the community adapts to the state of the art. Technology is not the core problem. We always have social problems :)

Aside: it took "Linked Science" *4 years* to come around to this point.


What changed? Absolutely nothing on the technology end since everything was there right from the beginning - I've even demonstrated that at the time just to make the obvious point (via which is now known as https://dokie.li/ ). As far as I can see, the essential change appears to be on the social end.

We had tried to achieve the same with a paper about reference rot in
PLOS ONE [3] but our request was declined.

I was introduced to it by Shawn Jones at WWW2016: Persistent URIs Must Be Used To Be Persistent.

While I agree that D-Lib does not represent an incarnation of your
intended paradigm shift, I really don't think they are the enemy either.

Pardon me but I had no intention or need to mark anyone as an an enemy :) Focus is to encourage/enable researchers, organizers, institutions to shift while trying to keep it within reach by pinging the folks in Web Science, not all sciences.

This is especially why "Linked Research" is a proposed initiative to move towards. It is all open for discussion, and there are number of ways to engage. https://linkedresearch.org/ . Never asked or demanded must haves on the technologies outside of what's "Webby". Not "selling" a tool here. :)

BTW: Maybe you could consider supporting Robust Links in your work. It's
all about long-term access and integrity of the web-based scholarly
record and hence should be of interest to you.

Thanks for bring this up. I think we already cover those use cases in dokieli, but added https://github.com/linkeddata/dokieli/issues/41#issuecomment-218147564 to keep it in the radar in any case. I will take a closer look.




[1] Van de Sompel, H., and Nelson, M.L. (2015) Reminiscing About 15
Years of Interoperability Efforts. D-Lib Magazine, 21(11/12).

[2] Robust Links spec. http://robustlinks.mementoweb.org/spec/

[3] Klein, M., Van de Sompel, H., Sanderson, R., Shankar, H.,
Balakireva, L., Zhou K., and Tobin, R. (2014) Scholarly Context Not
Found: One in Five Articles Suffers from Reference Rot. PLoS ONE, 9(12):
e115253. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0115253 ;

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