I *think* this was covered in the omnibus proposal for send & setRequestHeader that I made a while back...

On 2006/05/16, at 12:54 AM, David Flanagan wrote:


Perhaps you did not see my response to Jonas' message:

So then you just need to add something to the spec that makes it perfectly clear that XMLHttpRequest scripts the HTTP subsystem of the UA, and does not create its own network connections and implement rudimentary HTTP itself... Perhaps you could add a note of this sort to the spec for getAllRequestHeaders() something saying that the UA sees these and processes them as it would for an HTTP request initiated by the end user.

My original point was simply that there is a non-parallelism in the spec as it stands now. Outgoing cookies are explicitly addressed, but incoming cookies are not. If you make it clear that XMLHttpRequest uses the HTTP facilities of the UA, then that would satisfy me.

Anne van Kesteren wrote:
On Mon, 24 Apr 2006 07:15:01 +0200, Jonas Sicking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What I meant, however, was that you need to specify that the browser must/should/should not store cookies sent with the response to an XMLHttpRequest.

I'm not sure that we actually need to specify this. A UA supporting cookies should use them in any and all http transfers. If we go and specify how every possible web feature interact with XHR we're never going to get done.
I tend to agree. David, what do you think?

Mark Nottingham

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