On Fri, 15 Feb 2008 18:27:03 +0100, Geoffrey Garen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
3. This specification does not match any shipping version of Internet Explorer, which throws exceptions in some of these conditions, but not all. (The specifics here are a little weird, so I'll leave them out.)

If you have the specifics available please share them. Testing a bit further it seems my reverse engineering was a bit flaky, responseText does throw for me, but responseXML does not:


Would you be willing to consider editing the XMLHttpRequest spec to match this behavior?

Unless new information becomes available my plan is to make responseText never return null. Decoding will always work, invalid byte sequences are simply to be replaced with U+FFFD characters (similar to other APIs). responseText will return the empty string before readyState equals LOADING. responseXML will return null until readyState equals DONE.

Anne van Kesteren

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