On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 05:24:45 +0900, Jonas Sicking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 I can understand not letting the embedded object get at the elements
outside of the HTMLObjectElement, but this seems like a weird design
flaw - the object parameters should be accessible to the embedded
object, regardless of domain - that's their purpose.  It would have
been great if HTMLObjectElement had an accessible "params" NodeList
readonly attribute :(

I don't think that's a good idea because it opens up too many opportunities for violating cross-domain policies. For example, you'd have to introduce security checks on properties like window.frameElement.nodeList[0].parentElement..

The proper fix here is IMHO to add something to the window object. So that you don't have to reach out into documents that are from a different domain.

Agree. Would window.paramList be a good name? An object with name:value mappings would be useful, and one could iterate over it with for..in as usual.

Hallvord R. M. Steen
Core QA JavaScript tester, Opera Software
Opera - simply the best Internet experience

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