Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
* Julian Reschke wrote:
- If the URL parameter can be a IRI, then somewhere later on we need to state that it needs to be transformed to a URI before it's put on the wire.

Actually that is for the HTTP specification to define, which right now
does so implicitly by allowing only URIs. Restating requirements usually
leads to specifications stating conflicting requirements, it's best not
done at all, except in informative notes clearly limited to the known
cases (e.g., "Note: Because HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 allow only URIs as
request URIs, user agents will transform the IRI to an URI when creating
the request message.", though I would not add this).

And HTTPbis is not going to change that, as referencing RFC3987 would be a downref.

XHR is defining an HTTP API. If that API allows IRIs where HTTP wants URIs, then I think it should be stated somewhere that a transformation needs to take place.

BR, Julian

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