On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 12:04 PM, Marcos Caceres <marc...@opera.com> wrote:
> 2009/9/24 Robin Berjon <ro...@berjon.com>:
>> On Sep 23, 2009, at 16:51 , Marcos Caceres wrote:
>>>> But instead of ignored it says skipped — and it's not clear
>>>> whether skipped has the same meaning.
>>> Good point. The second must not be processes because it is not the
>>> first. It don't matter that is serviceable. It might just be that I
>>> used ignore where skip was intended.
>> That's not a very strong versioning approach.
>>>> If the second element is not taken into account, then we have a potential
>>>> problem with forward compatibility. Let's imagine that we have v2 out, for
>>>> which the following is correct:
>>>>  <content uri='http://berjon.com/cool-widgets/dahut'/>
>>>>  <content src="perfectly-good-start-file.html"/>
>>>> Clearly the desired behaviour is for v2 runtimes to process the first, and
>>>> v1 runtimes to fallback to the second.
>>> IMO the correct behavior would be for src attributes to take URIs and
>>> for the second to be skipped. However, I'm sure you can dream up other
>>> examples.
>> Yes, I can.
>>> The "only ever use the first, even if b0rked" behavior is based on
>>> HTML's behavior (particularly the <title> element). I'm happy to break
>>> ranks with HTML parsing if that is what the WG thinks would be best.
>>> However, it's a pretty big change to the parsing model, but if it
>>> future proofs us, then it might be worth it.
>> HTML has that behaviour to unify the mess that browsers are — there's a 
>> rationale there. We don't have to stick to the same thing because we really 
>> don't have that baggage. And thankfully this affects not at all the parsing 
>> model, but only processing — which is a lot easier.
>> Furthermore I'm not convinced it's a change — we'd have to ask implementers 
>> which one they picked.
> It's a change.
>>>> The same issue applies to other elements that refer to the skip/ignore
>>>> distinction. We believe that some editorial improvements to those
>>>> definitions would be welcome.
>>> Agreed. I'll work on improving those but that depends on if we change
>>> the parsing behavior or not to match what you suggested above.
>> The definitions need to be improved either way. I don't have a strong 
>> opinion as to whether the change should go through or not so long as it's 
>> clarified. The modification concerns cases that aren't all that common. I 
>> have a preference for the more versioning-friendly approach of just skipping 
>> (which is also slightly simpler to implement since you don't need to 
>> remember anything). But if it risks being considered substantial I don't 
>> want it.
> Well, you can easily see how substantial it is given the number of
> tests that have been written into the test suite to specifically test
> this behavior (use the first, skip the rest).
> Now I am concerned about screwing forward comparability. Personally, I
> want the format to be as forward compatible as possible.
> I'll see if I can check what Windows Mobile 6.5 does (I think PPK has
> a Windows Mobile phone) and also check what Opera's internal
> implementation does.
> Until then, unsure how to proceed:(

Consider the following condition, where we are trying to derive
"widget.name" and "widget.shortname".

What happens in the following situation:

<widget ...>
  <name short="www"/>
  <name short="yyy">zzz</foo>

Parsing Options:
  Option 1. "Take the first, forget the rest": Only takes the first
element into consideration (current model).

  Option 2. "Property seeker": actively searches the elements in order
for the value sought; uses the first one it finds.

  Option 3. "You declare it, you get it":  the parser uses the last
declared, overriding already declared values.

Now, if we apply each:

Option 1
widget.name = null
widget.shortname = "www"

Option 2
widget.name = "xxx"
widget.shortname = "www"

Option 3
widget.name = "aaa"
widget.shortname = "yyy"

All of them yield different result sets. I'm thinking that we are
sticking with Option 1.

Marcos Caceres

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