
On Jan 15, 2010, at 6:43 AM, ext Rokesh Jankie wrote:
I just found out that this group is very interesting and it stopped because of several reasons in 2007.

Perhaps you are thinking of the Web Applications Format (WAF) WG and Web API WG which both ended in 2008 (and as Lachan indicated, they were merged to form the Web Applications WG).

We are in 2010 now and I think the momentum is there for declarative application development.
We have a proposal and want to make it to an open specification.

The question: how to continue from here ? Is it possible to trigger people from certain groups/companies to join ?

FYI, in 2006, the WAF WG began work on a "declarative format for applications and user interfaces" (aka DFAUI) spec and that work ended with the publication of the following Working Group Note in September 2007:

 Declarative Formats for Applications and User Interfaces

-Art Barstow

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