On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 10:42 AM, Dmitry Titov <dim...@chromium.org> wrote:
> I have a clarifying question about how it would work:
> How, if at all, the lifetime of the generated urls will be defined in case
> of having those functions on URL interface object?
> If those methods are on a global object, the lifetime of the urls created
> would be gated by the lifetime of that global object, and in browser
> implementations that lifetime is usually defined well - and used for other
> things like lifetime of shared workers for example. There is certain times
> when the document/page/window are 'closed and detached', and while it varies
> in implementations and it is more complex then that, it provides a
> well-understood lifetime boundary.
> By having those methods on some static object, doesn't the lifetime becomes
> unclear? Do we grab 'current context of the call'?

We'll use the window object through which the URL object was
retrieved. So for example:

myurl1 = frames[0].URL.createObjectURL(blob);
myurl2 = frames[1].URL.createObjectURL(blob);

in this case lifetime of the two urls are bound to the lifetime of the
two different windows.

Does that make sense?

This is similar to how base-uri resolving works in XMLHttpRequest
where the base uri for a given XMLHttpRequest is determined by which
constructor was used to create it, not based by who is calling .open
or calling the constructor.

/ Jonas

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