Dmitry Titov <> wrote:
> It can be more then it looks though - if site detects File.slice and then
> uses it, it will automatically pick up FF and Opera now because the method
> now is defined.
FF and Opera just added File slice support, IIUC. For Firefox at least we are 
willing to change things for 4.0.1 or an automatic patch release. Down the 
road, if we change to a better name, this episode will fade away and devs won't 
have to remember it or (more important) learn about it.

But we're late. You're right. I wish I caught this before we shipped Firefox 4. 
It smells like yet another inconsistent or badly named web API _fait accompli_, 
and perhaps it is (a _fait accompli_, I mean; it's badly named in any event).

However: the "Chrome (or any one vendor) shipped it so it can't change" 
virtual-rule put forth with leaning-toward fuzziness is not going to fly in a 
modern, post-duopoly,  multi-vendor browser market.

We need to agree on specs and then prototype them -- and then if some bug is 
found later, be able to change spec and implementations before the spec goes to 
REC. IINM File API is still a WD so in theory we can still do this if we so 


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