On 20/10/11 10:39 AM, Igor Oliveira wrote:
Currently CSSMatrix and SVGMatrix has an immutable API. None of the
method calls change the Matrix, instead, it creates a new Matrix with
the changed value. It can be a problem specially when CSSMatrix is
used together with WebGL. [1]

SVGMatrix is not immutable.  You can modify the a, b, ..., f properties.


However the methods that perform operations do return new matrices rather than modifying the one the method is called on.

We from WebKit are proposing a new Matrix API(simple as possible), see
below or [2], where the standard methods change the matrix(in place
operations) and additional methods (multipliedBy, scaledBy and so on)
create a new Matrix as is done by CSSMatrix and SVGMatrix.

The idea is make this class accepted where CSSMatrix and SVGMatrix is
used and be the preferred class for all Matrix needs. [3]

I agree that unifying CSSMatrix/SVGMatrix is a good idea, if that is possible. Will look at your specific proposal a bit later.

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