On 2011-10-20 10:14, Sean Hogan wrote:
The primary use-case for matchesSelector() has been event-delegation,
and this is the same for matches(). More specifically, consider the
following scenario:

jQuery adds a new event registration method that uses event delegation
to mimic the behavior of:
$(elem).find("> div > .thinger").bind(eventType, fn);
The new method is called proxybind(), and the equivalent of the above is:
$(elem).proxybind("> div > .thinger", eventType, fn);

I cannot find any documentation for proxybind() and it doesn't seem to be in JQuery 1.7.1. I found a proxy() method, but it doesn't seem to match what you're talking about.


Also, the JQuery.is() method, which is the method similar to .matchesSelector(), does not support any context node, and so it does not work with .is(">.foo", context).

Could you provide some documentation for, or at least a version of JQuery that implements proxybind?

Lachlan Hunt - Opera Software

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