That section needs to be updated, because the ES6 spec had shifted a little
bit with regard to @@create. Filed

Conceptually, when I wrote it I'd imagined that the constructor will be
called only when you explicitly invoke it (new FooElement...). When parsing
or upgrading, the constructor would not be called. The createdCallback will
be invoked in either case.


On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 7:21 AM, Anne van Kesteren <> wrote:

> It's not clear to me from
> how the upgrade
> works. From the pre-ES6 setup you can work out through inference that
> upgrading is supposed to mutate the prototype of the element in
> question.
> But it seems that mutating the prototype is not sufficient for ES6. We
> want an element created through the constructor, no? (Let's leave
> aside the question for now as to how this subclassing would work,
> that's already discussed elsewhere.)
> --

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