On 1/13/15 12:50 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:
Agreed. That needs to be done with <img is="my-img">, IMO. (Assuming the 
upgrading design doesn't get switched to DOM mutation, of course.)

Although! Briefly yesterday Arv mentioned that for Blink's DOM implementation there's no real 
difference in "internal slots" between <img> and <span>: both just have a 
single internal slot pointing to the C++ backing object.

Just a few notes:

1) This is not universal across implementations. For example, Gecko will handle some property accesses by storing the values in additional internal slots on IDL objects. We're not doing that on any elements right now, but would likely start doing that for HTMLMediaElement's TimeRanges attributes, for example, if those ever switch away from the "return a new object on every get" behavior.

2) Updating the value in the internal slot means changing the C++ object identity, which means finding all the C++ places that have pointers to it (like the DOM tree) and ... something. Not updating the value in the internal slot means you now have an <img> pointing to the wrong C++ class or something.

In any case, we seem agreed that for now this case needs to stick to the is="" syntax.

The argument for different constructors is that: **assuming we want a design 
such that parsing-then-upgrading an element is the same as calling its 
constructor**, then we need the constructor to be split into two pieces: 
allocation, which happens on parse and is not overridden by author-defined 
subclasses, and initialization, which happens at upgrade time and is what 
authors define.

Right, that makes sense.

However, when authors design constructors with `class C1 extends HTMLElement { 
constructor(...) { ... } }`, their constructor will do both allocation and 
initialization. We can't separately call the initialization part of it at 
upgrade time without also allocating a new object.


So this is a situation where having the [[Call]] of the constructor do something "magic" (like ignoring the super() call in the script) might be nice, but I agree it would be really weird.

Thus, given a parse-then-upgrade scenario, we can essentially never call C1's 

Yes, agreed.

We *could* call some other method of C1 at upgrade time. Say, createdCallback.


We could even generate a constructor, call it C2, that does HTMLElement 
allocation + calls createdCallback. That's what the current spec does.

OK. Or we could leave that up to the class implementor. That is, they could do:

  class C1 extends HTMLElement {
    constructor(...args) { super(...args); this.createdCallback(); }

if they want a nontrivial createdCallback. It does mean more boilerplate, though.

I guess that's basically Arv's proposal, yes?

I'm less worried about the extra leeway in this setup per se and more worried about whether the extra leeway would be a footgun in practice...

Thank you for explaining; I see the issues more clearly now.


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