Hello everyone,

First a big thank you for a quality piece of software. I am a first time user 
and am amazed at the flexiblity that PA provides. I installed PA because I 
wanted to have better integration of my Bluetooth headset and works perfectly.

Running Debian Squeeze (stable) with Kernel 3.0.1

Now I have three issues which I hope someone can point me to a possible 

On my Lenovo X201 laptop with Intel HDA I do see a heavy increase in power 
consumption when I activate pulseaudio. The system is already optimised so 
without pulseaudio it will idle at 6-9W with wifi on, with pulseaudio started 
it will jump to 13W. No pulseaudio client connected (no sound played)

Averaged battery reading every 5s 

1347000 <- here pa-suspender is started

I have already optimised the PA setup for my needs (e.g. low quality 
resampling-method), so I investigated further:

>From top:

8816 ab         9 -11  211m 3832 2832 S    0  0.1   0:00.06 pulseaudio

>From powertop:

           695,7 µs/s      13,6        Process        /usr/bin/pulseaudio 
--start --log-target=syslog

So it is not about CPU consumption, pulseaudio is economical with CPU as is.

The same thing (also drawing about the same amount of extra juice) happens with 

root@charly:~# mv /etc/asound.conf /etc/asound.pulse
root@charly:~# aplay -d front /boot/vmlinuz-*
Wiedergabe: Rohdaten '/boot/vmlinuz-3.0.1' : Unsigned 8 bit, Rate: 8000 Hz, mono

So clearly, it is the power consumption of the sound chip. I suspect that 
pulseaudio activates the sound chip even when no sound is being played. Is 
there any way to have it only access the hardware when at minimum one client is 
connected (e.g. audio playing)?

I was not successful with this shot (old syntax?):

add-autoload-sink alsa_sink module-alsa-sink device="hw:0"
add-autoload-source alsa_source module-alsa-source device="hw:0"

Second issue: I have one application (Zoiper) which can only access ALSA at the 
moment (because it will not allow me to input non-hardware ALSA device names 
like pcm.pulse). Is there some hack/workaround to get such applications to talk 
to pulseaudio?

Thank you,

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