On Fri, 02.10.09 08:20, pl bossart (bossart.nos...@gmail.com) wrote:

> > I checked the source code, and latency_msec is missing from the list of
> > valid module arguments. Attaching a patch to add it.
> Yes. this is a known issue, I provided a fix last month. Lennart, you
> want to apply this patch...

Oops. You patch is still in my queue. There were some issues I didn't
perfectly like, but it was not straightforward to fix them. So lazy as
I am I just added your patch to my queue, so that I look into it

Sorry. I have now commited Tor-Björn's patch as it was quite trivial. 

Pierre-Louis, I'll look into your full patch soon. Promised.


Lennart Poettering                        Red Hat, Inc.
lennart [at] poettering [dot] net
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