On Tue, 2009-10-20 at 16:45 +0200, Lennart Poettering wrote:
> On Tue, 20.10.09 12:26, Ng Oon-Ee (ngoo...@gmail.com) wrote:
> > Quick suggestion, in latest pulse and latest jack pulse will give up
> > control of the audio hardware when Jack starts (as informed by dbus) and
> > grab control back once Jack stops. Could module-jack-sink and
> > module-jack-source also be loaded/unloaded at these points? I took a
> > quick look/grep through the current git sources but couldn't figure out
> > where this is handled.
> I'd love to add this, and ventilated that a couple of times to the
> Jack folks already. The last time we discussed that however there was
> simply no D-Bus name that I could sanely bind this logic to (i.e. a
> name that is taken as last step of initialization, where we know for
> sure that Jack is fully accessible) Maybe this has changed, but I
> believe it hasn't.
> It is not an option to bind this logic to the device reservation logic
> itself because that is supposed to be generic and also doesn't tell us
> anything about when Jack is fully up and running.

Ah, looks like it isn't as simple a matter as I'd thought. If I
understand correctly what you're saying, does this mean that the device
reservation logic is a general dbus "get your hands off the audio
device" command to Pulseaudio, currently? That's cool, though making
what I suggest much more difficult.

I'm sure the Jack folk know better than I on the D-Bus name, but
jack_control status seems to work fine to tell me when Jack is ready for
use, and it communicates via dbus as well...

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