On Thu, 2010-02-11 at 01:46 +0100, Lennart Poettering wrote:
> On Tue, 09.02.10 21:57, Michał Sawicz (mic...@sawicz.net) wrote:
> > 4. there's a dialog on the active user's session with 'User xxxx tries
> > to access your audio equipment with application yyyy, allow / deny?'
> For every event sound? Really?
> Lennart
I believe what was being referred to is a permissions-based system. Sort
of like on windows, the "Do you want to allow machine OMGCOOLPICS to
have access to your C:\ drive?" after which it saves your answer for
future sounds/streams.

You've already covered previously why this sort of permissions aren't
PA's job though. I must say this discussion is pretty interesting, even
though the substance has been the same every few months.

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