On Sun, 2010-06-06 at 18:03 +0000, Piscium wrote:
> I am running Fedora 13, though my question applies to other versions and 
> other Gnome distros.
> On the Gnome panel there is by default (that is, after installation) a 
> speaker icon, and if I right click on it I can get to a dialogue box titled 
> Sound Preferences.
> There is also PulseAudio Volume Control which is available as a separate 
> package not installed by default.
> The settings available in Gnome Sound Preferences and PulseAudio Volume 
> Control are quite similar : selection of input and output devices, volume and 
> so on.
> My questions are these: 
> What is the difference between these two applications? 
> Considering that I already get by default the  Gnome Panel Sound Preferences 
> do I need the PulseAudio Volume Control at all?
> I know this is a very basic question but please pardon my ignorance!
> Thanks.

The Gnome Sound Prefences UI is a simplified version of pavucontrol (the
Pulseaudio Volume Control package you're talking about). Primarily it
lacks a good way of moving apps to other outputs. It does provide you
with easy access to Gnome-specific sounds though (the 'sound theme'

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