treydock wrote:
> My [master] has :
>     report = true
>     reports = http, store, xmpp
>     pluginsync = true
> The [agent] includes:
>    report = true
>    listen = true
>    pluginsync = true
> The second agent I tested with also has the same configuration as the
> above [agent]
> Correct, the xmpp.yaml has all that information.  What I was asking
> about the remote client not having mail.yaml is I enabled pluginsync
> on the remove client to see if the results would differ and it failed
> stating the mail.yaml was missing (locally on the client).  But if the
> repots = xmpp is only defined for [master] then should I not include
> "pluginsync = true" on the clients?

So you don't have anything like the line:

"Sending status for to XMMP user jabber.user"

in your Puppet master syslog.



James Turnbull
Puppet Labs

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