Hello, I was wondering if anyone can spot the mistake I am making in
the file-fragments pattern below.  I am assembling the sudo file using
fragments, with a "validate check file" step that confirms if the
assembled file is valid.   The '/etc/sudoers' file should only be
overwritten if the check file is valid.

I accidentally created an invalid sudoers file, which failed the
validation check.  Puppet still copied this invalid file to /etc/
sudoers.   The dependency Exec["Validate_Check_File"] ->
File["Make_Sudo_File_Live"] was not honored and I am trying to
understand the reason.

The class and puppet output are below.  I am using puppet 2.6.9.

Thank you,

class s_sudo (
    $wheel_req_password = true
) inherits s_sudo::params {

    ### Assemble the sudo check file from fragments
    file { "Sudo_Fragment_Directory":
        path    => "${s_sudo::params::sudo_fragment_directory}",
        ensure  => directory,
        purge   => true,
        recurse => true,

    file {"Sudo_Header":
        path    => "${s_sudo::params::sudo_header_file}",
        content => template("s_sudo/00-sudobase.erb"),
        notify  => Exec["Assemble_Sudo_Fragments"];

    exec { "Assemble_Sudo_Fragments":
        command     => "/bin/cat $
{s_sudo::params::sudo_fragment_directory}/* > $
        refreshonly => true,
        subscribe   => File["Sudo_Fragment_Directory"],

    file { "Sudo_Check_File":    # Secure the check file
        path    => "${s_sudo::params::sudo_check_file}",
        mode    => 644,
        require => Exec["Assemble_Sudo_Fragments"];

    ### Validate sudo file before making live
    Exec["Assemble_Sudo_Fragments"] ~> Exec["Validate_Check_File"] ->

    exec {"Validate_Check_File":
        command     => "visudo -cf $
        refreshonly => true,

    file {"Make_Sudo_File_Live":
        path    => "/etc/sudoers",
        source  => "${s_sudo::params::sudo_check_file}",
        mode    => 440,
        owner   => root,
        group   => root,



notice: /Stage[main]/S_sudo/File[Sudo_Fragment_Directory]/ensure:

info: /Stage[main]/S_sudo/File[Sudo_Fragment_Directory]: Scheduling
refresh of Exec[Assemble_Sudo_Fragments]

notice: /Stage[main]/S_sudo/File[Sudo_Header]/ensure: defined content
as '{md5}42b4c36c629f3a9c451d3dc783a851cb'

info: /Stage[main]/S_sudo/File[Sudo_Header]: Scheduling refresh of

notice: /Stage[main]/S_sudo/Exec[Assemble_Sudo_Fragments]: Triggered
'refresh' from 2 events

info: /Stage[main]/S_sudo/Exec[Assemble_Sudo_Fragments]: Scheduling
refresh of Exec[Validate_Check_File]

>>>>> ERROR >>>> err: /Stage[main]/S_sudo/Exec[Validate_Check_File]: Failed to 
>>>>> call refresh: visudo -cf /tmp/sudo.check returned 1 instead of one of [0] 
>>>>> at /etc/puppet/modules/environments/dev/s_sudo/manifests/init.pp:52

info: FileBucket adding {md5}f298d1064df9009a1603d76ed90ed90f

info: /Stage[main]/S_sudo/File[Make_Sudo_File_Live]: Filebucketed /etc/
sudoers to puppet with sum f298d1064df9009a1603d76ed90ed90f

notice: /Stage[main]/S_sudo/File[Make_Sudo_File_Live]/content: content
changed '{md5}f298d1064df9009a1603d76ed90ed90f' to '{md5}

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