Trevor Vaughan wrote:
> Sorry but...bump?
> On 11/18/2011 02:20 PM, Trevor Vaughan wrote:
>> Sorry if this is a double post, my e-mail glitched on me.
>> Anyway, I'm trying to write a Ruby script that can get all defined
>> nodes and all classes assigned to those nodes. I would prefer to not
>> have to compile a catalog for each node.
>> I tried looking through the puppet/util/rdoc material but it really
>> didn't handle the node entries as far as I could tell and also didn't
>> seem to have a way to get the info without printing it all out.

Sorry missed this one - I do something vaguely similar for the Puppet
Rundeck integration - have a look at the code at:

Others may be able to chime in with better ideas.


James Turnbull
Puppet Labs
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