Carlbob wrote:
> Hello-
> I'm running puppet enterprise 2.5.1 and just installed the puppet-
> rundeck gem.  When I try and start puppet-rundeck, I receive the
> message below:
> You need to have Puppet 0.25.5 or later installed
> /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/puppet-rundeck-0.0.7/lib/puppet-
> rundeck.rb:34:in `configure': uninitialized constant Class::Puppet
> (NameError)
>         from ./puppet-rundeck:62
> I did pass in the correct path to my puppet.conf file using the --
> config parameter.
> Not sure what's wrong.  Does this gem work with Puppet Enterprise?

I wrote the gem (prior to PE being released) and I suspect it doesn't
work with PE at all. If you could log an issue then I'll see about doing
some testing (



James Turnbull
Puppet Labs
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