Would somebody mind passing a spare clue regarding the correct syntax?

I already know this works in an erb template:

<%= scope.call_function('test1::test1', ['input one!!']) %>

However this fails in an epp template:

<%= test1::test1('input two!!') %>

Unfortunately, that's about as far as I got using "puppet apply".

My stub test module (with the busted epp part commented out):


And the result with the epp part uncommented:

$ puppet apply --modulepath . test1.pp
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, Failed to 
parse template test1/two.epp:
  Filepath: /var/tmp/t1/test1/templates/two.epp
  Line: 1
  Detail: undefined local variable or method `test1' for 
 at /var/tmp/t1/test1/manifests/init.pp:6:16 on node cwl.me.com

I read these but couldn't find an obvious example, if somebody would like to 
point one out.


As far as use case, I wanted to see if it would work for potential upcoming 
module notions since parameterizable epp makes some things easier.

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