Good morning everybody,
I want to explain a bit what we're currently doing in our modules to support Puppet 8.

Puppet 8 AIO packages contain Ruby 3.2. Vox Pupuli runs unit tests for all supported major Puppet versions in a module. We run those with the Ruby version that are in the matching AIO package. Puppet 6 used Ruby 2.5, Puppet 7 Ruby 2.7. To support Ruby 3.2 we had to update a few of our gems, and that meant to Drop Ruby 2.4/2.5 in some places. While we're at it, we also dropped Ruby 2.6 support because that's EoL as well since a long time.

Personally I would love to drop Ruby 2.7 as well because that's end of life since end of March (, but sadly the Puppet 7 still has long term support.

The road to Puppet 8 has 6 milestones:
* Implement Ruby 3.2 support in our tooling - see for details. We merged 229 PRs in the different projects we maintain and are almost done. * Drop Puppet 6 from metadata.json - This will tell our GitHub Actions Workflow to not generate unit tests for Puppet 6/ Ruby 2.5. See * run modulesync to bring our newest gems to the modules. I'm currently doing this:
* Drop EoL operating systems from metadata.json
* Update our Github actions worklow. Due to the Puppet 8 released, which wasn't reannounced, we had to implement a hack to keep our CI pipeline alive (because of course the Puppet 8 release was broken and triggered a bundler bug which also broke Puppet 7 unit tests). A detailed explanation + some ranting is available in The result is that we always generate a CI job with $puppetmajorversion.24 as version constraint. We need to clean this up for Puppet 8 or wait for Puppet 8.24 * when all of this is done, we can add Puppet 8 to the metadata.json, Then Puppet 8 jobs will automatically be added to the CI matrix.

If someone want's to help out, please join our IRC channel #voxpupuli on Libera.Chat or the Slack channel #voxpupuli at

You want to support our work? Vox Pupuli can now accept donations! See

Cheers, Tim

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