For those following the notification on mac Swiki issue, here's a summary so
far, as well as a test Raymond Asselin kindly conducted and asked me to
forward to the list, as he cannot send to the list for some reason.

- com 47 swiki 12, VM 2.8.4 on Mac OS 9.1 on a starmax 3000/180 doesn't
appear to send notifications correctly [my test]
- same setup on a powermac 7200/120 with Mac OS 8.6 doesn't notify either
[my test]
- Adam's tests using (I assume the same downloaded comanche/swiki package
(?) on a powerbook G3 of some sort don't notify.
- Raymond's tests (described below) also don't notify.

I'm afraid I don't really have the programming background to probe this a
lot more, although it would be nice to have notification work.  If there is
any way I can help supply more info I'd be happy to do so.  Even without
notification I'm running the package in an experimental mode for those who
might wish to check it out:
Since there is nothing valuable on this test platform, I can share admin
access to anyone who thinks it might help get to the root of the problem.

Thanks for all the help so far - now I think I see the scope of the problem.

Dan Ringrose, Department of History                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minot State University, Minot ND 58707                         701.858.3037

raymond's test follows...

    I made some tests on a Mac G3 with MacOS 9.0.4, Com47Swiki12, VM 2.8.4
for PPC . 
Here what I did:
    1. In the Swiki AdminTool>>Setting, I set the alertSender to my own
email address
    2. In the Swiki AdminTool>>Setting, I set the alertServer to my own ISP
SMTP server
    3. In an existing Swiki a put my email address in the box 'Send e-mail
alerts to these addresses upon
        next save: ' and save the page
    4. Edited the page and made some the page.
    5. Checked my mailbox...nothing.
    As the documentation leave place for interpretation I repeat step 3.
above puting my email address as a
     link instead  >> *myName@domainName*
     I made a last test...
     I inserted my email address in the text of a page, as a link =
*myName@domainName*,  and tried it to
check that I can send messages by email....IT WORKED.

>From what I did I say: 'Send e-mail alerts to these addresses upon next save: '
does'nt work. So now I
want to check that on a NT 4.0 Server running a Swiki at Work...but I don't
think the  notification will
work either.
I'm a Newbie in Squeak so...people on the list may find I conclude to
fast...or the problem is
different :). So please send this answer to the Squeak list for me as I
did'nt been able to resubscribe from
the 20 february for reasons I don't understand. I follow the list with
Hotmail but I'am upset whith that

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