I have a problem where my users try to lock pages,and they get a "Cannot 
find server or DNS error".  However, when they go back to their pages, they 
are locked and neither their password nor the administration password 
works. However, when I stop and start the server, their pages are all 
unlocked. Any ideas what the problem might be or how to work around it? 
(I'm working with 7th and 8th grade students in a protected Swiki and they 
need to protect their personal pages from the others.) I'm running Linux 
using a version downloaded and installed in early February.

At 05:54 PM 2/10/2002 -0500, Jochen F. Rick wrote:
>Are you using a 'docs' swiki? If so, that may be your problem. I've yet
>to investigate the problem, but there is one in (un)locking those pages.

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