Thanks for the help! I was filing in the files backwards. Since all of my Swikis are refs Swikis, I changed advancedDocs to inherit from refs, then changed my existing Swikis to inherit from advancedDocs. Because I wanted to use existing schemes rather than just the advanced project scheme, I edited the actions in advancedDocs to remove the portions that listed references or the password buttons. Otherwise you end up with the message of "missing alternate tag" in the toolbar.


At 03:50 AM 12/6/2002 +0900, you wrote:

I mentioned about HarvestMoonEnhnaced in my previous posting
because AdvancedDocs inherits from Docs swiki. If you alread
made AdvancedDocs inherit from Refs, it is not required.

You must first file-in Christian Noack's changeset before
my new changeset. Mine is just small patch (fix? I'm not sure yet. :-)
over his new features. Do the same for my changset as you did
for Noack's.

To say about myself, I was using old com47swiki12 version
until recently. And just start learning about new features and
other enhancements. My changeset seems to work for myself
right now, but not tested enough, of course.
You'd better waiting Christian Noack's next release
if more problem happens after update. :-)

By the way, I found some more problems using AdvancedDocs
and added another patches into the changset. I'll attach my
new changeset to this posting.

Have a nice day.

On Thu, Dec 05, 2002 at 10:04:24PM +0900, Derrel Fincher wrote:
> Hi,
> My ignorance of the workings of the Swiki and Squeak is going to show, but
> I'm not quite sure what to do with the change set that was attached. I have
> Doc, Image, and Forward from Harvest Moon Enhanced in the Swiki. Is this
> intended to be filed in without Christian Noack's enhancements or with
> them? I have moved his AdvancedDocs into the Swiki and made it inherit from
> Refs as per the change set, but when I save, "unknown" is recorded for the
> user who is logged in. However, if I file in Noack's change set, the
> AdvancedDocs does not work at all.
> I must be doing something wrong. Any suggestions? I'm trying this with
> Swiki 1.3

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