
--On Thursday, March 27, 2003 7:59 AM +0000 Michael Karliner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The first question that came up was how to delete a page. I explained
> issue of removing links, but don't actually know how to remove a page.

You can't. Check out the overall philosophy of wiki's at c2.com. I don't neccessarily agree with it, but there you are.

That's pretty much what I thought. You can't remove the actual page from the Wiki directory though?

    This is a common one. What we, and other do, is to use Apache as
    as reverse-proxy front end to the swiki and set whatever
authentication     system you want with that. Check out the reverse-proxy
directives in     the Apache configuration for details.

I am already doing this, but that doesn't address the issue of giving people different level of access within the Wiki. I rather like the ability to give out read-only, for example, but Web server authentication won't help me here.


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