Hi Laurent, (sorry for the previous misnomer!)

I had a bit of a hard time reading your mail because you didn't use
the typical reply formatting. Actually i only know discovered the content,
at first i completely skipped the content because i thought it was just
a forwarded mail ... others may have done the same.  If it's not too much
effort maybe repost as a real reply?


On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 09:23 -0700, Brack, Laurent P. wrote:
> Hi Holger,
> No problem for the delayed response. I know you were in the bay area a
> while back and may have felt everyone is always in a rush but this is
> not our case :)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: holger krekel [mailto:hol...@merlinux.eu] 
> Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2012 6:42 AM
> To: Brack, Laurent P.
> Cc: py-dev@codespeak.net
> Subject: Re: [py-dev] OpenStack
> Hi Brack,
> [Laurent] >> This is my last name :)
> sorry for taking a while.  Am still on travel, currently in the Sonoran
> deserts.  My answers up until first half May are thus likely to lag.
> (They do have suprisingly good internet connection ... better than in
> the three-times more expensive hotel in the San Francisco valley last
> week).
> On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 10:27 -0700, Brack, Laurent P. wrote:
> > Forking from the [py-dev] pytest-timeout 0.2 e-mail thread.
> > 
> > > I am interested in OpenStack but you can you detail a bit more of 
> > > what you want to achieve?
> > 
> > I have attached a rough diagram of what we are building internally
> (hopefully it will not be filtered out). 
> thanks for sharing.
> > About a year ago, we attended a presentation on OpenStack (when it was
> still driven by Anso Labs before they got acquired by Rackspace). 
> > We were (and are) currently using a private cloud (VMWare) but 
> > contemplated the idea of scaling up to public clouds. Problem we had 
> > was that we had to develop custom code for each cloud vendor whether
> Amazon EC2, Penguin, VMWare, etc. so OpenStack was really a viable path
> to not lock ourselves in with a given vendor.
> sounds sensible.
> > While a bulk of our tests require embedded devices (in which case 
> > virtualization makes little sense) a good chunk can be run on standard
> workstations (all OS flavors) and in this case it only makes sense to
> move to a virtual environment.
> > 
> > PyTest combined with xdist was the dream come true as we could focus 
> > on developing tests meant to run on a single machine and later
> seamlessly parallelize their execution. There is nothing new here.
> > 
> > We were thinking of writing a plugin to xdist (cxdist - c for cloud) 
> > that would interface with OpenStack, using the pytest_xdist_setupnodes
> and pytest_configure_node hooks.
> ok.
> > In those hooks, the plugin would provision the machine (via OpenStack)
> > and then make xdist believe that it is dealing with physical slaves.
> > Finally at the end of the run, we would teardown the slaves, leaving
> resources for other tests to run. 
> > 
> > We have not started yet on this as scalability is not an issue but 
> > this is our plan. As the diagram shows, the read boxes are plugins we
> intend to release to the open source community.
> Is your general idea to use the open stack integration to get
> parallelizable test runs with totally controllable environments? 
> [Laurent] >> It is. We have a fairly large VMWare infrastructure but I
> feel we are locked in. Also there is a point where scaling up this
> private cloud will simply make no sense from an economic standpoint.
> Finally, infrastructure like VMWare are of little use for the open
> source community. 
> > Our teams write a lot of "data driven tests" (testing various AV 
> > codecs with different configuration parameters using very similar
> verification procedure) and as a result we make heavy use of funcargs.
> Curious, are you using 2.2.3 for this?  There are some plans to further
> improve parametrization where i would be interested in your feedback.
> [Laurent] >> Yes. As a matter of fact we had to make changes to our
> plugin to work properly with the new metafunc.parametrize method. Maybe
> here is the time to open a small parenthesis. We have simplified the
> generation process
> For our common users, although this doesn't prevent them from using
> custom hook implementations or factories. One thing that the plugin does
> is attach "meta data" to items (which is carried over from hook to
> hook). This meta data contains information about test cases on the
> testlink Server. One of the challenge with metafunc was to find a way to
> attach this information in a way it would not be lost during the test
> generation done by pytest. In 2.1.3, with "addcall" we had done this by
> hacking  the "param" formal parameter intended use (while preserving the
> functionality). In 2.2.3 (the addcall hack was broken - meta data got
> lost), we found another way. Again a hack and therefore no guaranty it
> will work with future versions. It would be nice to have a supported way
> to "attach" data as part of the parametrize process which is then
> carried over to the "item" being generated. The idea is to carry over
> information that may be generated by a hook to another hook (whenever it
> makes sense).
> > The pytest_testlink plugin is very similar to the pytest Case
> Conductor plugin from the Mozilla folks
> (http://blargon7.com/2012/01/case-conductor-pytest-plugin-proposal/) but
> interacts with TestLink (teamst.org in which we are currently involved
> in - improving performance of web services etc.) as opposed to Case
> Conductor. 
> Is pytest-testlink a plugin that you plan to work on?
> [Laurent] >> Actually we have it working. We have been using it for
> about 6 months now and I just made a new internal release (to fix the
> issue with 2.1.3+) which also supports "platforms" (a feature of
> TestLink) and filtering based on TestLink constructs (outcome, test case
> ID, keywords). The plugin relies on another package (called pytl) which
> provides an OO model of the testlink server built on top of their
> existing web services. Those web services are quite buggy and incomplete
> but we have built-in workarounds. In parallel we are working with the
> TestLink team to provide a more complete set of web services. We are
> also working on restructuring the code base allowing better integration
> via plugins (requirement managements, reporting - we have a solution
> using BIRT) as well performance improvements, test case libraries (for
> re-use between projects), project groups, etc. While the pytest testlink
> plugin is extensively documented and so far proven to be pretty robust,
> I want to clean it up even more before releasing it (making it available
> as an open source package was the intent from the start).
> > However in addition to linking a test case ID to a given python test, 
> > we have implemented a simple mechanism to generate test cases from 
> > what we called Test Description Records. Those are currently stored in
> > excel spreadsheets but will be store in TestLink as test case
> properties. The object injection is done automatically by the plugin
> using a custom marker indicating which function argument shall be used
> for TDR injection as well as correlating TDR with parametrized test
> functions.
> right.  Driving things from a spreadsheet, maybe even in Google docs,
> sounds good to me, btw :)
> [Laurent] >> We considered this but decided otherwise just because of
> the limited functionality offered compared to M$ Office or LibreOffice
> (we are actually using xlrd/xlwr). As a matter of fact I wanted to find
> a way to abstract the "data source" for the TDR. Google doc would be a
> perfect exercise.
> > The point is that by using the funcarg feature offered by pytest, we 
> > can generate tremendous amount of test cases with little effort and
> this will require scalability and use of virtualization over time.
> > 
> > Sorry for the long description, but I wanted to give a complete
> overview to help comprehend where we are going. 
> > Our plan is to eventually release all this to the open source
> community (when we think the plugins are mature and robust enough). 
> > 
> > If other people have a need/interest for those plugins (some of them 
> > are not illustrated), I would be more than happy to accelerate this 
> > process (getting approval from our Open Source Board). Since
> pytest_cxdist doesn't exist, this could be open source from the get go.
> I wonder if the provisioning of VMs wouldn't better fit at the level of
> "tox", see http://tox.testrun.org or even yet a level higher.  tox
> creates virtual environments on the Python level.  FYI there are plans
> to introduce a plugin system to tox and to make pytest-xdist make use of
> tox configuration directly.   
> [Laurent] >> I need to educate myself more on Tox. We are using tox for
> our CI system (Jenkins) but environment setup is actually done via
> buildout (tox invoking buildout - maybe we would have worked with tox
> from the start if we had known about it).
> But the tox idea is pretty good as it this is really where the testbed
> should be setup rather than runtime (pytest) when things can go wrong. 
> Btw, from May on i (and others) should be available through my company
> merlinux for some consulting in case you need some more substantial
> support than occassional comments from far away deserts :)
> [Laurent] >> Actually this sounds like interesting. Let me think about
> it. We are a rather small team so we can use all the help we can get.
> Enjoy and drink a lot of water :)
> Cheers/Laurent
> best,
> holger
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