On Mittwoch 20 Mai 2009, Bryan Catanzaro wrote:
> Would it be possible to change both the Device.get_attribute() and the
> Function.get_attribute() calls to make them Python attributes instead
> of using function-and-flag? It seems like this could avoid the
> inconsistency between the two.
> I agree with Ian - aesthetically it doesn't seem optimal to echo the C
> API exactly in PyCUDA, when Python gives us much richer possibilities.

Here's something that somehow feels like a second-best solution, but it at 
least maintains consistency: Everything that can be accessed as


can now *also* be accessed as


I don't think I want to kill the get_attribute interface entirely. This would 
still mean that


would be deprecated, in favor of


The point is that the name of the attribute and the name of the magic number 
would be consistent with each other and therefore could be implemented 
automatically--with no further maintenance burden.

Opinions on this one?


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