Hi All -
I've been getting problems with the following error:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cuda::error'
  what():  cuCtxPushCurrent failed: invalid value

After poking around, I discovered that context.pop(), registered using atexit 
in pycuda.autoinit, is being called *before* all the destructors for various 
things created during my program.  I can work around this problem by forgoing 
the use of autoinit and atexit, and instead manually creating the context, 
manually deleting my GPUArrays, and then manually running context.pop() at the 
end of my program

But this all seems wrong.  Perhaps I'm doing something to confuse atexit so 
that it's executing before the other destructors?  Has anyone else seen these 

(Running PyCUDA from git commit b657bb2f3c3da59684c72c419b709b53e2e186aa, Mac 
OS X 10.6, python 2.6.1)

- bryan

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