On Montag 12 April 2010, Bryan Catanzaro wrote:
> The only difference here is that at exit, we're detaching from the
> cuda context instead of popping it as pycuda.autoinit does.  That gets
> rid of the error, although it's probably not the "correct" solution to
> the problem.

detach() is not right if you're still holding references to stuff in the
context you're detaching from.

It's a tiny bit hairy that, now that (I think) we've finally got the
whole context stack thing working, Nvidia prohibits it if you want
CUBLAS. I'll think of a proper workaround--right now I'm thinking about
"tainting" the current context once any runtime stuff gets called in it,
and then preventing any push/pops.

While we're at it: Team, what's the plan for bringing CUBLAS/CUFFT
wrappers into PyCUDA? Bryan?

Another thing: If I seem slow to respond at the moment, it's because I'm
finishing my thesis and defending my PhD, hopefully I'll be all done by
Apr 28. Wish me luck!


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