On 09/10/2010 10:08 PM, Branimir Sesar wrote:
Dear pyCUDA users,

I have the above NVIDIA cards installed in my workstation. The FX 580
passes test_driver.py, test_math.py, and has 5 assertion errors on

The GTX 480 card failes test_driver.py, but passes test_math.py, and has
4 assertion errors on test_gpuarray.py. The test_driver.py fails with
the attached message. Does anyone know what is causing GTX 480 to fail
this test, and not FX 580?

I'm using Ensight Python Dist 6.2.2, boost 1.44, pyCUDA-0.94rc, CUDA 3.1
and CUDA drivers version 256.40.

Ian Ozsvald and Julien Cornebise were kind enough to suggest compiling the latest git version of pyCUDA. That solved the above problem with the GTX 480.

Thank you all :)


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