Hello, all.I'm using pycuda for making simple project with pyQt5.  But when I 
programed like this(in Windows 10, Python 3.6.2), app is aborted with printing 
ERROR: The context stack was not empty upon module 
context was still active when the context stack was beingcleaned up. At this 
point in our execution, CUDA may alreadyhave been deinitialized, so there is no 
way we can finishcleanly. The program will be aborted now.Use Context.pop() to 
avoid this 
code is like this.Could you give me some help? ​main.py​    import sys    from 
PyQt5 import uic    from PyQt5.QtGui import *    from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *  
  from PyQt5.QtCore import *    from PIL.ImageQt import ImageQt    import 
fractal​    form_class = uic.loadUiType("main.ui")[0]​    class 
Form(QMainWindow, form_class):        DRAW_MANDELBROT = 1​        def 
__init__(self):            super().__init__()            self.setupUi(self)     
self.drawfractal(self.DRAW_MANDELBROT)​        def wheelEvent(self, event: 
QWheelEvent):            pos = QWidget.mapFromGlobal(QCursor.pos()) // when 
this event happens, error occurs.             print(pos)​        def 
drawfractal(self, sort):            global img            if sort is 
self.DRAW_MANDELBROT:                img = fractal.mandelbrot(-2, -2, 
self.size().width() * 2, 400)​           qimg = QPixmap.fromImage(ImageQt(img)) 
           qimg = qimg.scaled(self.size(), Qt.KeepAspectRatio, 
Qt.SmoothTransformation)            self.label.setPixmap(qimg)​​    if __name__ 
== "__main__":        app = QApplication(sys.argv)        w = Form()        
w.show()        sys.exit(app.exec())​​fractal.py​    import pycuda.autoinit    
import pycuda.driver as cuda    from pycuda.compiler import SourceModule    
import numpy as np    import matplotlib.cm as cm    from matplotlib.colors 
import Normalize    from PIL import Image​    ...​    def mandelbrot(startx, 
starty, size, precision):        matrix = np.array([startx, starty, size, 
precision], np.float32)        result = np.empty((size, size), np.int32)        
matrix_gpu = cuda.mem_alloc(matrix.nbytes)        result_gpu = 
cuda.mem_alloc(result.nbytes)​        cuda.memcpy_htod(matrix_gpu, matrix)​     
   func = cu.get_function("mandelbrot")        func(matrix_gpu, result_gpu, 
block=(1, 1, 1), grid=(size, size))​        cuda.memcpy_dtoh(result, 
result_gpu)​        return array2imgarray(result, 'nipy_spectral') Thanks 
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