Well, that's strange then. As far as I understand, scikit-cuda uses the
existing context (unless explicitly asked to create a new one), and Reikna
should too if you pass it the reference from pycuda.autoinit. I guess I
can't say anything more definite without seeing the code. Any change you
can reduce it to a shareable size while preserving the errors?

On Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 6:05 PM, Rasmus Diederichsen <
rasmusdiederich...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I do aim to use only one context (I don't know why I would want more than
> one; the stuff I'm doing is mostly serial but the memory shouldn't leave
> the GPU).
> On 31. Jul 2018, at 09:16, Bogdan Opanchuk <bog...@opanchuk.net> wrote:
> First of all, are you using multiple contexts or a single one? If you only
> have one context, `Thread(pycuda.autoinit.context)` should be enough for
> Reikna (don't know about scikit-cuda, though).
> Now if you have several contexts, things become more complicated. CUDA
> maintains a global context stack, if you want to use a specific context,
> you have to make sure it is on top of the stack (using corresponding PyCUDA
> functions). For Reikna, you must use a `Thread` object created for a
> specific context (or anything derived from it) only when that context is
> active.
> On Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 5:07 PM, Rasmus Diederichsen <
> rasmusdiederich...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I don't know cuda really and use the 3 libraries mentioned in the
>> subject. I time and again run into CUDA errors of the form "Invalid
>> resource handle" which appear in some cases, but not in others, i.e. the
>> same function will error or not depending on what ran before it, even if
>> totally unrelated. I gather from this that it has to do with state in CUDA,
>> possibly mismanaging contexts. But since it's hard to reproduce without all
>> my code, I can't open issues about this, so hopefully someone can just give
>> me general pointers.
>>    - I am using the `pycuda.autoinit.context` for all the Reikna
>>    `Thread`s.
>>    - Neither reikna nor scikit-cuda seem to have functionality for
>>    setting context globally or passing it to functions
>>    - I have tried using my own context instead, but meet the same issues
>> What are the steps in general to ensure these issues don't come up? How
>> can I handle this when multiple files are in play?
>> Cheers,
>> Rasmus
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