
I have a Pycuda code, which deals with two kernels. Both kernels run well
separately, but when I put them together, there is  a memory problem
"LogicError: cuMemcpyDtoH failed: an illegal memory access was encountered".
In the second kernel "DotKernel", I can't change the values of any shared
array or global array. Could you please have a look at the code? Thank you
very much!

Best regards,


import pycuda.autoinit
from pycuda import driver, compiler, gpuarray, tools   
from pycuda.compiler import SourceModule
import numpy as np
from time import *

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.io as sio
import time
from scipy import signal
from numba import jit
import numba as nb

kernel_code_template = """

#include <cuComplex.h>

__global__ void OuterKernel(cuFloatComplex *A, cuFloatComplex *B, cuFloatComplex *BETA2, cuFloatComplex *C)
        const uint wB = %(MATRIX_SIZE_O)d;
        const uint bx = blockIdx.x;
        const uint by = blockIdx.y;
        const uint tx = threadIdx.x;
        const uint ty = threadIdx.y;

        __shared__ cuFloatComplex A_y ;
        __shared__ cuFloatComplex B_y ;
        __shared__ cuFloatComplex beta2;
        __shared__ cuFloatComplex C_add;

        const uint c = wB  *by +  bx;

        for (int index_r = 0; index_r < %(rSize)d; index_r ++)
            for (int wA = 1; wA < %(tSize)d+1; wA ++)
                const uint aBegin = %(tSize)d * %(BLOCK_SIZE)d * by;
                const uint aEnd   = aBegin + wA -1 ;
                const uint aStep = %(BLOCK_SIZE)d;
                const int bBegin = %(tSize)d * %(BLOCK_SIZE)d * bx;
                const uint bStep = %(BLOCK_SIZE)d ;

                for (int a = aBegin, b = bBegin; a <= aEnd; a += aStep, b += bStep)
                    A_y = make_cuFloatComplex(cuCrealf(A[a + wB*ty + tx]),cuCimagf(A[a + wB*ty + tx]));
                    B_y = make_cuFloatComplex(cuCrealf(B[b + wB*ty + tx]),cuCimagf(B[b + wB*ty + tx]));
                    C_add= cuCmulf(A_y,B_y);                                                 

                beta2 = make_cuFloatComplex(cuCrealf(BETA2[%(tSize)d * index_r+wA-1]),cuCimagf(BETA2[%(tSize)d * index_r+wA-1]));
                C_add = cuCmulf(C_add, beta2);
                C[c] = cuCaddf(C[c], C_add);

    __global__ void DotKernel(cuFloatComplex *A, cuFloatComplex *B, cuFloatComplex *BETA, cuFloatComplex *C, cuFloatComplex *FFT,cuFloatComplex *CC)
        const uint wA = %(MATRIX_SIZE_I)d;
        const uint wB = %(MATRIX_SIZE_O)d;

        const uint bx = blockIdx.x;
        const uint by = blockIdx.y;

        const uint aBegin = wA * %(BLOCK_SIZE)d * by;
        const uint aEnd   = aBegin + wA - 1;
        const uint aStep = 1;
        const int bBegin = %(BLOCK_SIZE)d * bx;
        const uint bStep = wB;

        cuFloatComplex Csub = make_cuFloatComplex(0,0);
        cuFloatComplex Csub_1 = make_cuFloatComplex(0,0);
        cuFloatComplex Csub_2 = make_cuFloatComplex(0,0);

        __shared__ cuFloatComplex A_global[%(MATRIX_SIZE_I)d];
        __shared__ cuFloatComplex C1[%(MATRIX_SIZE_I)d];

        for (int index_r = 0; index_r < %(rSize)d; index_r ++)
            for (int index_t = 0; index_t < %(tSize)d; index_t ++)
                for (int i = 0; i < %(MATRIX_SIZE_I)d; i ++)
                    A_global[i] = make_cuFloatComplex(cuCrealf(B[i*%(tSize)d + index_t]),cuCimagf(B[i*%(tSize)d + index_t]));

                Csub = make_cuFloatComplex(0,0);

                for (int a = aBegin, b = bBegin;a <= aEnd;a += aStep, b += bStep)
                    Csub = cuCaddf(Csub,cuCmulf(A_global[a], C[b]));

                const uint c = wB * %(BLOCK_SIZE)d * by + %(BLOCK_SIZE)d * bx;
                C1[c]  = make_cuFloatComplex(cuCrealf(Csub), cuCimagf(Csub));

                for (int i = 0; i < %(MATRIX_SIZE_I)d; i ++)
                    A_global[i] = make_cuFloatComplex(0,0);
                    A_global[i] = make_cuFloatComplex(cuCrealf(FFT[i*%(rSize)d + index_r]),cuCimagf(FFT[i*%(rSize)d + index_r]));

                CC[c] = make_cuFloatComplex(0,0);

                CC[c] = cuCmulf(C1[c],A_global[c]);
                Csub_1 = cuCmulf(Csub,A_global[c]);

                BETA[index_r * %(tSize)d + index_t] = make_cuFloatComplex(0,0);

                Csub_1 = make_cuFloatComplex(0,0);

                for (int i = 0; i<%(MATRIX_SIZE_I)d; i+=1)
                    Csub_1 = cuCaddf(Csub_1, CC[i]);
                    //BETA[index_r* %(tSize)d + index_t] = cuCaddf(BETA[index_r * %(tSize)d + index_t],CC[i]);

                for (int i = 0; i < %(MATRIX_SIZE_I)d; i ++)
                    A_global[i] = make_cuFloatComplex(0,0);
                    A_global[i] = make_cuFloatComplex(cuCrealf(A[i*%(tSize)d + index_t]),cuCimagf(A[i*%(tSize)d + index_t]));

                CC[c] = make_cuFloatComplex(0,0);
                //CC[c] = make_cuFloatComplex(cuCrealf(A_global[c]),cuCimagf(A_global[c]));
                CC[c] = cuCmulf(C1[c],A_global[c]);

                BETA[index_r * %(tSize)d + index_t] = make_cuFloatComplex(0,0);

                Csub_2 = make_cuFloatComplex(0,0);

                for (int i = 0; i<%(MATRIX_SIZE_I)d; i+=1)
                    Csub_2 = cuCaddf(Csub_2, CC[i]);
                    //BETA[index_r* %(tSize)d + index_t] = cuCaddf(BETA[index_r * %(tSize)d + index_t],CC[i]);

                //BETA[index_r* %(tSize)d + index_t] =  make_cuFloatComplex(cuCrealf(Csub_2), cuCimagf(Csub_2));
                BETA[index_r* %(tSize)d + index_t] =  cuCdivf(Csub_1,Csub_2);



tic = time.time()

iaa_iter = 4       
c = 3e8             
fc = 3.15e9             
lam = c/fc           

Mt = 7                 
Mr = 5               

rmax = 300             

theta = (np.arange(-80, 80, 0.5))/360*2*np.pi
r = np.arange(0, rmax, rmax/100)

tsize = theta.size
rsize = r.size

fmcw_fft  = np.arange(0,Mt*Mr*theta.size) + 1j*1
fmcw_fft = fmcw_fft.reshape(Mt*Mr, theta.size).astype(np.complex64)

VX = np.zeros(Mt*Mr)
for i in range(0, Mt*Mr+1, 1):
    VX[i-1] = i*lam/2

B = np.zeros((Mt*Mr, theta.size), dtype=complex)

for index_theta in range(0, theta.size, 1):
    alpha = np.exp(1j*2*np.pi*fc*np.sin(theta[index_theta])/c*VX)

    if iaa_iter == 0:
        B[:, index_theta] = np.multiply(alpha, signal.nuttall(Mr*Mt))
        B[:, index_theta] = alpha

beta = np.zeros((r.size, theta.size), dtype=complex)

for index_r in range(0, r.size):
    for index_theta in range(0, theta.size):
        beta[index_r, index_theta] = np.dot(np.conj(B[:, index_theta]), fmcw_fft[:, index_r]) / np.dot(np.conj(B[:, index_theta]), B[:, index_theta]) 

RZero = np.zeros((Mr*Mt, Mr*Mt), dtype=complex)

beta = beta.astype(np.complex64)
BETA2 = (np.square(np.abs(beta)) + 1j*0).astype(np.complex64)
Bcon = np.conj(B)


B = np.real(B).astype(np.float16) + 1j*np.imag(B).astype(np.float16)
a_cpu = B
Bcon = np.real(Bcon).astype(np.float16) + 1j*np.imag(Bcon).astype(np.float16)
b_cpu = Bcon
FFT_cpu = np.real(fmcw_fft).astype(np.float16) + 1j*np.imag(fmcw_fft).astype(np.float16)

a_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(a_cpu)
b_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(b_cpu)
BETA2_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(BETA2)
c_gpu = gpuarray.empty((MATRIX_SIZE_O, MATRIX_SIZE_O), np.complex64)
FFT_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(FFT_cpu)

kernel_code = kernel_code_template % {
            'BLOCK_SIZE': BLOCK_SIZE,
            'tSize': tsize,
            'rSize': rsize,

mod = compiler.SourceModule(kernel_code)
outer = mod.get_function("OuterKernel")

t1 = time.time()
            a_gpu, b_gpu, BETA2_gpu,
            grid = (GRID_X,  GRID_Y),
            block = (BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE, 1),

t2 = time.time()
t_gpu = t2-t1

print('t_gpu1 = ', t_gpu)

aa_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(a_cpu)
bb_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(b_cpu)
BETA2_gpu = gpuarray.empty((rsize, tsize), np.complex64) 

rinv_gpu = gpuarray.empty((MATRIX_SIZE_O, MATRIX_SIZE_O), np.complex64)
rinv_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(c_gpu.get())

cc_gpu = gpuarray.empty((1,MATRIX_SIZE_O), np.complex64)

mod = compiler.SourceModule(kernel_code)
dot = mod.get_function("DotKernel")

t1 = time.time()       
        grid = (GRID_X,  GRID_Y),
        block = (BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE, 1),
t2 = time.time()
t_gpu = t2-t1

print('t_gpu2 = ', t_gpu)

beta = BETA2_gpu.get()
toc = time.time()

beta[1:12, :] = 0
plt.contourf(np.outer(r, np.sin(theta)), np.outer(r, np.cos(theta)), 20*np.log10(np.abs(beta)))

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