John Eriksson schrieb:
I should have remebered that MP3 and pygame doesn't mix well on Windows.

Could you try downloading it again? (I can't for some reason start my
vmware windows right now.)

Best Regards

tis 2007-05-22 klockan 20:53 +0200 skrev DR0ID:
John Eriksson schrieb:

After several weeks of coding I'm finally releasing my latest project
(at least the first release candidate), the space game Slingshot.

It all started when I found the vec2d class in PyGames cookbook and
after I played around a little bit I just couldn't help my self from
turning it into a game.

After just getting feedback from family and friends I would now like to
get some feedback from the PyGame community!

It's just 12 levels right now but I'm working on it. And if you like you
can help to! There is a built in level editor (but sadly with a very
poor GUI). I've tried to document it but don't hesitate to ask. The
documents are included in the download file.

And please be as specific as possible in your criticism. If you think
the game is boring (as an example) try to explain in what way. Is it to
easy, to hard, to little action or just plain stupid? ;-)

Thanks in advance


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\XereX\Eigene Dateien\InetDownloads\python_downloads\Slingshot
_rc1\", line 174, in ?
File "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\XereX\Eigene Dateien\InetDownloads\python_downloads\Slingshot
_rc1\", line 168, in main
File "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\XereX\Eigene Dateien\InetDownloads\python_downloads\Slingshot
_rc1\", line 102, in main_loop"ready_back.mp3")
File "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\XereX\Eigene Dateien\InetDownloads\python_downloads\Slingshot
_rc1\lib\", line 18, in play
pygame.error: Module format not recognized

I'm using WinXp, python 2.41, pygame 1.7.

Hope you can fix it. :-) ( I have no idea what went wrong)



Now it works fine. Cool game. Well done.


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