On Thursday 31 May 2007 09:21:11 am Samuel Mankins wrote:
> I tried this source code, and at first it spat out a "pygame.error"
> with  the traceback:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/Users/samuelmankins/Desktop/070530ShiningSeaSource
> Folder/Shining Sea.py", line 668, in ?
>     game = Game(screen=screen)
>   File "/Users/samuelmankins/Desktop/070530ShiningSeaSource
> Folder/Shining Sea.py", line 182, in __init__
>     self.GoToZone((0,0))
>   File "/Users/samuelmankins/Desktop/070530ShiningSeaSource
> Folder/Shining Sea.py", line 379, in GoToZone
>     self.screen.blit(self.bigpen.render("Now
> Loading",0,(255,255,255)),(500,560))
> pygame.error
> Then when I commented that line out, it started up, but then just sat
> there with a blue screen for about a minute and then crashed with
> another error (Unfortunately I didn't save that traceback).

You probably need to turn antialiasing on, because your computer doesn't like 
drawing without antialiasing.

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